Area 51 Security
Systems and Secrets

Groom Lake Road

Area 51 security seems pretty lax. You can drive up Groom Lake road, however if you cross the boarders of the base you do so at your own risk. Use of deadly force is authorized so you have been warned. Security systems seen here along the top of the ridge, include cameras and sound detection equipment.

Area 51 Security

Security guards in jeeps patrol the unfenced boarders so you will not get anywhere near the base itself.

Areac 51

The only real visible sign of security apart from the "men in jeeps" are the warning signs that tell you not to proceed further.

Nobody except the military knows exactly what security measures are in place at Area 51. As far as I know nobody has been shot trying to get into the base, but hey, would they tell us.

Area 51

In a press release soon after Area 51 was acknowledged by the US government, an Air Force spokeswoman would not comment on any security concerns about satellite images. "We acknowledge having an operating site there and the work is classified," spokeswoman Gloria Cales said. The work involves "operations critical to the US military and the country's security”.

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