Mexico 501 Air Squadron
captures UFO Images

On the 5th March 2004, at bout 3.00 p.m., the Mexico 501 Air Squadron captured UFO Images while on routine air patrol looking for drug smuggling aircraft along the South American boarder. They picked up on radar what they thought to be an aircraft. The object was flying erratically at speeds in excess of 380 mph.

The crew turned on the aircrafts infrared camera and recorded some unusual UFO footage. What they filmed could be seen on the camera but not with the naked eye…

Running low on fuel they had no choice but to turn back and head for home. Keeping the infrared camera going what they saw astounded the crew. The UFO images filmed, up to 11 objects, could be seen travelling in a line, and on the same altitude as the air patrol. The objects turned and started to surround the plane, the crews comments were recorded as follows:

“Fasten your seat belts.”
“Don’t scare me.”
“It’s going along our altitude, it can’t be possible.”
“Gentlemen we are not alone.”
“Yes, we are not alone its true. How strange is this”
“They are surrounding us”

Then suddenly the balls of light disappeared.

Over the coming weeks the Mexican military conducted an investigation, interviewing the crew and analyzing the infrared UFO images along with weather data for that day. All their efforts came to nothing. The investigation seemed to come to a stand still.

Then out of the blue journalist Jamie Maussan received an unusual phone call from the Mexican military. They had contacted Maussan to ask him to run a full investigation into the incident. In an unprecedented turn of events all the classified data the military had gathered, including the infrared film was handed over to Maussan. He was also granted full access to interview the flight crew.

On the 11th May Maussan held a press conference to show the world the UFO images. No explanation has ever been established as to what the crew of the patrol aircraft had seen.

Skeptics believe the UFO sighting to have been flames from oil wells off the coast, however expert examination the infrared footage determined the objects were comprised of solid mass and could not be flames.

The unprecedented release of classified material from a government to an investigative journalist is by some seen to be a change in attitude by governments to allow the general public to investigate UFO sightings for themselves. Many think this is a first step in handing over such investigations to the public domain. Only time will tell.

Some UFO Images in Video Clip Format
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